For Naperville Homeowners Replacement Windows Are Not A Matter of ‘If’ but ‘When’

Every homeowner in Naperville worth his or her salt knows that at some point their house is going to need its windows replaced. When a new house is purchased, even if it is brand new and has never been lived in before, the windows are going to need replacing whether it is in five years or twenty-five. Even the strongest and best-built houses can begin to show signs of wear and tear in the windows within as little as three years. But if a house is fifteen years or older and has never had its windows replaced or only had them replaced once or twice, it may be time to inspect them and begin shopping for replacements.

 So why do windows need to be replaced? That is a question that can seem like it has an obvious answer – and it does – but it also has other not-so-obvious answers that often don’t occur to many homeowners. Arguably the most significant reason that windows need replacing is because of poor energy efficiency. In a multi-climate area like Naperville, heating and cooling bills can increase as much as 25 percent or more if the windows are poorly insulated or insufficiently sealed. Another reason is that windows become bowed or bent over time which creates gaps in the seals resulting in air and water leaks. And then there is the aesthetic appeal. The longer a homeowner waits to replace windows that need replacing, the more it looks to neighbors and appraisers like they need to be replaced. In other words, old, sagging, faded windows are not pretty to look at.

 The National Association of Home Builders published a study in 2007 that measured the durability and longevity of various types of replacement windows. According to the study, aluminum windows are expected to last an average of between 15 and 20 years, wooden windows between 25 and 30 years, and fiberglass and vinyl windows can last up to 35 years or longer mostly because of their durability and strength. The cost of these kinds of windows varies based on the type, style, and of course the quantity that you want and need. And one of the biggest selling points for window retailers and one of the most frequently asked questions about replacement windows is the maintenance required for each type. Again, this varies from type to type but there are features like double-hung windows with tilt-out sashes that can make cleaning and maintenance much easier.

 One thing for Naperville homeowners to keep in mind are the rules or “covenants” imposed either the Homeowners Association (HOA) or by the district in which the home exists. If a home is subject to HOA rules or is in an historic district, changes and alterations to the home’s exterior (and possibly interior for that matter) may be restricted which would disallow for replacement window installation. This may not necessarily be a bad thing, however, as many window companies offer restoration services through which older windows can be restored to new or at least newer condition in order to improve the appearance and the energy efficiency of that home. At the end of the day, though, it is all dependent upon the homeowner knowing when his or her windows are in need of attention.

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